How do I cancel my free membership?
Membership cancellation is conducted by checking the confirmation box above and clicking submit. Once complete, you will be exited from your account and
your membership will be cancelled.
If I cancel my membership, can I re-activate it when I want?
If you cancel your membership, your account information remains in our database in a non-active state. You can re-open your account membership at any time.
Can I still sign into my account if I cancel my membership?
Yes. Your account will remain active in our system until you cancel it. If you wish to also cancel your account, please send an email to
our customer support team requesting that your account be removed from our records.
How does canceling a membership (poll plan) affect my website?
If you have several existing polls established on your websites, canceling your poll plan will have no
effect on the poll functionality and settings. However, the footer of your poll will change to carry the
"Poll Authority" backlink.